Master Data Alliance

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MDM made in Europe

It all started with some really good conversations and meetings about shared problems as well as opportunities which formed a bond between us that grew into joint ventures. We are confident that we can bring extra value to our customers by working together like this. We can help any MDM customer to master their data.

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On our own we deliver powerful solutions and successful projects – Together we can do wonders for you!

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Who We Are

Four of the most experienced and capable IT consulting companies in Europe has formed a unique alliance to be able to offer even more valuable, competitive solutions and services in the field of Product Information Management and Master Data Management.

All four companies have PIM and MDM related domain- and industry-specific specialists and can offer local presence in different countries in Central Europe as well as the Nordics.

Together we have a unique capability within the domain of PIM and MDM that will strengthen our presence and ability to execute your PIM or MDM project.

What we do

The main focus of the Master Data Alliance is to help companies all over Europe with their STIBO STEP implementation. With the Master Data Alliance we can respond on cultural as well as communication challenges by combining local presence with deep expertise in an international landscape. We are convinced that we can add significant value to the implementation of your international PIM and MDM projects.

We also share our PIM and MDM knowledge amongst the different partner companies. This gives each partner company a broad network of expertise that is unique in the PIM and MDM domain. It enables us to solve each PIM and MDM query.

As an alliance we have a strong voice and relationship with Stibo Systems that is being valued at all time.

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Curious about the value the master data alliance can add to your PIM or MDM projects?

Get in Touch!

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    Founding partners

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    Alliance partners

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